blog fsv uk

Author: blogmaster

Special episode of De Facto Podcast: counselling at FSV UK

Did you know that FSV UK offers several types of counseling, namely psychological help, counseling for students with specific needs

Students abroad: Eliška in Melbourne, Australia

Our PhD student Eliška spent a semester abroad at the University of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia. Read on to learn what she has to say about it!

Students abroad: Anna at Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany

Anna spent a year studying in Germany through Erasmus+ programme. Read on to see whether she recommends the experience!

The Healing Powers of Animals

Read an article from our student Laura Hamill about volunteering at an animal shelter and the healing power of animals.

Students abroad: Jana at OECD in Paris

Where did you learn about such opportunity?  I knew that as part of my Master’s studies, I would like to

Alexandr Kasal: Younger generation is more open about the topic of mental health

Read the interview with Alexandr Kasal, a graduate of ISS FSV UK and researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health.