blog fsv uk

Category: Interviews with graduates of Faculty

Alexandr Kasal: Younger generation is more open about the topic of mental health

Read the interview with Alexandr Kasal, a graduate of ISS FSV UK and researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health.

Honza Mikulka v podcastu De Facto

Honza Mikulka: Thanks to FSV, I had the space and time to discover more directions in video production.

What is it like to create videos for Honest Guide, a channel which has a million subscribers on YouTube? What were his student years like at Hollar? The guest of the De Facto podcast was Honza Mikulka who studied marketing communication and media studies.

Tomáš Sedláček s Danielou Tollingerovou

Tomáš Sedláček: In my case it’s hard to tell whether I’m working or having fun

Economist, philosopher, teacher. Which profession is closest to him? What were his studies like – from elementary school to university? And what would he say to the students? Read an interview with Tomáš Sedláček, a graduate of IES FSV UK.

Tomáš Petříček: In the case of European policy it is necessary to perceive that it is based on different cultural and historical traditions

Dear listeners, you’ve tuned in into De Facto, a podcast of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University. This