Special episode of De Facto Podcast: counselling at FSV UK
Did you know that FSV UK offers several types of counseling, namely psychological help, counseling for students with specific needs and career counseling? In the special episode of De Facto…
Alexandr Kasal: Younger generation is more open about the topic of mental health
Read the interview with Alexandr Kasal, a graduate of ISS FSV UK and researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health.
Podcast De Facto: Jinonice Campus special episode
We bring you a translation of the special episode of our De Facto podcast that was dedicated to the Jinonice Campus. The guests in the podcast were David Emler, Vice-dean…
Anna Marie Pospíšilová: It’s important to be receptive to ourselves, each of us handles stress differently
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Are you not sure how to deal with stressful situations or feeling lonely? If so this special episode of the De Facto podcast with psychologist…
Honza Mikulka: Thanks to FSV, I had the space and time to discover more directions in video production.
What is it like to create videos for Honest Guide, a channel which has a million subscribers on YouTube? What were his student years like at Hollar? The guest of…
Tomáš Weiss: As a member of the EU, we sit at a table where it is decided what the world around us looks like.
Why is membership in the European Union important? Do university staff have enough teaching skills? And how do universities teach in Europe? Answers Associate Professor Tomáš Weiss from the Institute…
Tomáš Sedláček: In my case it’s hard to tell whether I’m working or having fun
Economist, philosopher, teacher. Which profession is closest to him? What were his studies like – from elementary school to university? And what would he say to the students? Read an…
Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková: The current generation of LGBT seniors are people who lived part of their lives in a time when these issues were not talked about
Podcast De Facto with Jaroslava Hasmanová Harmánková from the Department of Sociology, about LGBT + seniors and active aging.
Tomáš Petříček: In the case of European policy it is necessary to perceive that it is based on different cultural and historical traditions
Dear listeners, you’ve tuned in into De Facto, a podcast of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University. This episode will be about our successful graduate, namely Tomáš Petříček,…