blog fsv uk

Students abroad: Jenny at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf

1. 7. 2024

Jenny studied in Germany both during her BA and MA studies. Why did she choose Germany twice? What was studying at the HHU like?

May in Motion with FSV UK

11. 4. 2024

The Well-being working group and the Sustainability working group have prepared the May in Motion challenge for all FSV UK employees. Put on comfortable shoes, pull out your bikes and compete with your colleagues for the most kilometres walked, run and cycled. Why should you join the challenge? Read on!

Students abroad: Evelina in Taiwan

22. 3. 2024

Eveline spent one semester at the National Chengchi University in Taipei. Read her tips for a semester abroad in Taiwan.

Students abroad: Tereza in Montreal, Canada

19. 1. 2024

Tereza spent her exchange semester at McGill University in Montreal. Why did she choose this place and did she like her studies there? Read on!

Students abroad: Levan at the University of Maryland, US

18. 1. 2024

Levan from the Institute of Economic Studies spent 7 months at the University of Maryland. Read about his experience.

Special episode of De Facto Podcast: counselling at FSV UK

3. 1. 2024

Did you know that FSV UK offers several types of counseling, namely psychological help, counseling for students with specific needs