blog fsv uk

International staff week at FSV UK developed the topic of well-being at universities

21. 6. 2023

Last week, from 12 to 16 June 2023, the Faculty of Social Sciences hosted the international Erasmus staff week, during which representatives of our foreign partners participated in various lectures and workshops. The key topic was the development of services supporting the mental health and well-being of students and employees at universities. In addition to sharing good practice, participants from e.g. universities in Germany, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Moldova, Turkey and others dealt with the topic of student and employee support, especially in the area of psychological support and overall well-being. 

The program also included a presentation of the European WISE project, in which Charles University is involved, as well as the services of the Carolina Center for students and employees.

“The staff week was very well organised. It was noticeable how much dedication and energy you put into it and I am grateful to have met special people like you who were able to convey so much positivity,” says Paola Tonolla, head of student’s administration at Università della Svizzera Italiana.  

There were a lot of presentations during the staff week…
…also group activities…
…but also fun, for example a dinner at Folklore Garden.
Participants were shown Carolinum and also went for a trip to Karlštejn castle.
The entire week was concluded by the dean of the faculty PhDr. JUDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.